Liebe Yogis,
Today has become my business day. After 8 days solid of painting in the shala i´m totally exhausted and just feel like a stone - but in a goooood way! So i´m still down and updating things and making - choices. The shala is slowly transforming into a whole new feel. It won´t be finished by the time we open but the course has been set in motion and i hope it will appeal to you as much as it already appeals to me.
What is going through your mind lately? How are you feeling about the current narrative around the world? What choices are you making? For we are standing at the edge of the precipice and the choices you make today will pave the path for humanity for generations to come. What i see most important here is to allow people to make the choice for themselves. Yet I feel we are currently living in a time where only certain choices are accepted and others are not. I feel my rights as a spiritual being inhabiting a human body are being taken away from me at every corner, in every aspect. I have no voice in the matter and at times i feel like a sheep being herded into the fenced caged. Dramatic perhaps, but true be it. YET thankfully i can breathe light into my body and re-mind my body and soul that no matter what happens, i am free. I can be free behind the mask that gives me no voice, i can be free if i can no longer travel without presenting an app. which shows my private data as to whether or not i am vaccinated, i am free in sickness and in health. Why do i feel free? Because i choose to lead and be lead by LOVE rather than by FEAR.
It´s really that simple.
It doesn´t mean i am not deeply concerned for what is happening in our world right now. It just means that when i choose to act i must review my motive...does it stem from love or from fear? How do i personally know the difference between the two? If you try to analyse it , it can become quite blury, vague, and unclear. For me it is a feeling in the body. If i am acting or choosing out of fear, i tend to become tense, tight in the body, my voice becomes aggressive, hard and pushy, i get heavy in the head, sometimes dizzy, i tend towards more aggression, annoyance and anger. I may also feel worried, unsure, unsafe, and definitely separate from the source. I loose the feeling of being connected and i feel distanced from everyone and everything. If i may say so, we have been propelled into this way of being for a year now. When we are acting and living from this energy it becomes harder to think clearly and our immune system weakens. To put it bluntly - We suffer, physically and mentally.
When i act out of love i feel open in my body, i feel relaxed. I feel connected to the source and everyone around me. I live life with optimism and positivity, free of worries and annoyances. And when i make choices from this energy i can feel my whole body exhaling and softening. I make better decisions. When i talk from love my voice is soft, light and i can also take time to listen to anothers point of view. I am less able to be manipulated or forced into anything simply because that energy doesn´t come into my field - in other words i am not attracting negative energy when i am living from love.
Choices..... we are faced with very big choices right now and i would have you make the choice out of love and not out of fear. For sure someone will make the completely opposite choice to you, but perhaps for the very same reason - because they truly believe that that choice is what is best for them and humankind. I cannot fault this motive, can you?
Perhaps the biggest choice of all is for our own personal freedom....for this is being slowly taken away from us, piece by piece. And i know i am not alone in feeling this. Our world is being divided - you can feel it in the air and in the soil.
There is light - but you may need to search for it...
- the birds may show you the way
- your breath might too
-deep inside, within the space between the breath all may be revealed
- you are a light being....dare to show it to the world
- only you can set yourself free and then be the guide to allow others to do the same
- perhaps then will we have real freedom on this planet
Remaining Hopeful,
To the business:
- We hope to open towards end May like everyone else.
- How we can do this is yet to be figured out...signing up for class to pre-reserve your spot / some classes will have parallel online via insta. options
- the extreme regulations makes it near impossible to open up and survive - like all businesses we are running nearly on empty.
- that means, simply put.... we want to stay open but it only makes sense to have a yoga studio if people still want to come, even if you need a test to do so... without you, there is no shala.
- with love and visualisations i do believe we will get through this, and i remain positive that the shala will continue to be a space for self development.
ONLINE YOGA - from the last newsletter.
We are still teaching weekly classes many of you know. We have decided to be on instagram as this offers the easist, fastest way for you to access the classes...without additional
sign in links, sign ups, prepayments etc..... This does however mean that we rely totally on your donations to help us through these long long months. Thankyou so much for your donation! If you have not yet donated for the classes you attend, please consider to do so....How valuable have the classes been for you? We give you the decision as this is our way of saying - we trust you. Of course like everyone, we do get some govt. support but i will add that this is slow in coming. Your support really makes a difference at this time. And without saying, your attendance brightens my day tremendously and keeps me going too!!!
24-26 Sept. & 15-17 Okt. YIN YOGA TEACHER TRAINING WITH ALEX - direct sign-in with her
As soon as we can we have some lovely events in the planning for you!!!
Until next time.... so much love to you all,
Kira (and Lucas)
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* Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck
* Andreas Hofer Str. 13
* Tel. Lucas : 0650/8426248
* Tel. Kira : 0650/9127835
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