Kira waterfall

Sacred Flow - `Living Yoga´ Projects

Transformation in the World begins with transforming ourselves.

"If you know about a problem, and choose to ignore it, you become a part of it"
- Indian Proverb -

Living Yoga Projects - The concept :

Fundraising through yoga: Gather to  practise yoga as a community and help raise money for a chosen foundation ...Individually and collectively we have the power to make a change.  Even in small ways our conscious effort can have a domino effect. Through fundraising for a chosen foundation we aim to expand  awareness with current world issues – environmental, political and human rights issues.


Our previous`fundraising through Yoga´projects :

Raising money for Nepal
Many of us have been emotionally effected by the recent earthquake in Nepal. When things like this happen across the world, it is not always
easy to jump on a plane and race over to give a helping hand to those in need. But we can help, through sending healing love in our meditation practises,
or even pausing for a moment and sending love through conscious thought. It does reach through, even if you dont think so, and it helps us as the individual
to stay on top and be moved by love rather than feel swamped by helplessness and fear.
For those who wish to donate we have set up the following possibilities:
Collection box on the reception desk:
-  we are collecting donations until Saturday 16 May 2015. Please feel free to give.
Saturday 16 May class 09:00
- For every yogi/yogini who comes and practises the shala will donate 3 euros towards the Nepal fund.
So come and sweat and know some of your money will go towards helping others
Akro Yoga Jam 22 May - all monies spent will be donated
- In the Hofgarten from 17:30 if the weather permits!!!
- In the Shala as usual from 19:30
At the end of the action monies will be forwarded to SOS kinderdorf / Nepal sofort hilfe.
Thankyou for your continual support. Blessings and Love

Donation Yoga class – 2 hour special raising money for the Sambhali Trust in Austria, 

Saturday 20 Sept. 17:00 - 19:00 uhr, a level 1 class including 15 mins. mindfulness meditation
Our efforts will be focused on letting go of our own situations,
struggles on or off the yoga mat,
and remembering the Indian saying,
“Be happy for what you have, not unhappy about what you do not have.”
(Andy Jackson)

About the Sambhali Trust foundation:

“We specifically work with the Dalit community, who experience discrimination on a daily basis because of their low standing in India's stratified social hierarchy or 'caste system'. Dalit women are greatly suppressed due to the patriarchal nature of this community, and have little or no access to education They are denied the right to choose their own husband and often face a high level of verbal, physical, and sexual abuse within their family circle and community.”  - Sambhali Trust

Austrian website:

Main website:

Facebook Austria:

 All money raised will go directly to Sambhali Austria.


'Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu'

"Mögen alle Lebewesen überall frei und glücklich sein und möge ich mit meinen Gedanken, Worten und Handlungen auf bestmögliche Weise dazu beitragen."

Yoga-Spendenklasse für das Flüchtlingsheim Innsbruck

mit Marianne, 10.October 2013 um 19:15,

Was bedeutet Heimat für dich? Vielleicht bedeutet es mit lieben Freunden am gleichen Ort zu wohnen, nahe der Familie zu sein, eine feine Wohnung, Natur, Berge, eine Arbeit die Spaß macht? 
Und jetzt stell dir vor du musst das alles verlassen. Irgendwohin, einfach nur weg, um dein Leben zu retten! Alleine in eine ungewisse Zukunft an einen fremden Ort, wo du die Sprache nicht verstehst, wo alles anders ist und wo du hoffst, dass du bleiben kannst ohne gleich wieder weggeschickt zu werden.So geht es jährlich tausenden Flüchtlingen in Europa. Auf der Flucht vor Krieg, Verfolgung, Armut und Leid kommen sie über Schleichwege und viele sogar unter Lebensgefahr nach Europa. In der Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben, auf eine neue Heimat. Einige davon landen auch in Österreich. Nach einer ersten Zeit in Traiskirchen werden sie auf die verschiedenen Flüchtlingsheime in Österreich aufgeteilt. Das Flüchtlingsheim Innsbruck/Reichenau ist eines davon. Derzeit leben ca. 270 Flüchtlinge dort.

Da ich selbst einen Jugendlichen aus Afghanistan betreue und mit ihm Deutsch lerne, war ich schon öfters zu Besuch im Flüchtlingsheim. Die Gastfreundschaft der Bewohner hat mich sehr beeindruckt, wie auch ihre Geduld und Hoffnung auf einen positiven Asylbescheid. Ich habe aber auch ihre Angst vor der Zukunft und Orientierungslosigkeit in einer vollkommen fremden Kultur kennengelernt. Darum habe ich mich entschlossen diese Spendenklasse dem Flüchtlingsheim in Innsbruck zu widmen!

Yoga for Greenpeace  – A `Living Yoga´Project mit Kira am 15 June 2013 ; 9-10:30

"When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can't eat money..." Greenpeace.With heart felt Non – violence Greenpeace seeks solutions and  promotes open debate about society´s environmental choices. Greenpeace works to eliminate problems rather than just manage them. Rather than just pointing fingers,Greenpeace develops, researches and promotes concrete steps towards a green and peaceful future for all of us.Specifically Greenpeace, an independant global campaigning organisation, strengthens and unites our world through acting to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace. Their key campaigning actions include:
:the use of renewable energy to reverse climate change; the protection of our forests; defending our ocean; to call for no nuclear weapons; the need for alternatives to hazardous chemicals in todays products and manufacturing; and campaigns for the production of sustainable agriculture (rejecting genetically engineered organisms).See for current issues, and plenty of ways in which we as individuals can help make a difference.When: 15 June 9-10:30 (tea & snacks afterwards)By Donation!All profits will go to Greenpeace!
A box will be left on the counter in the reception room. Simply pop in what you would like to donate to Greenpeace and we´ll do the rest.

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