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Yoga Workshops / Events / Trainings to be enjoyed :
- Yoga Nidra, geführte Meditation mit Nicole, 2 Termine -> 2. & 30. März
- Mindful Me-Time, Yoga Miniretreat, mit Jade, 26 & 27. April 2025
- Adapting Vinyasa Yoga for Pregnancy, Teacher Training with Kira, 27-28. Sept 2025
- 300h Ira Yoga School - Teacher Training, mit Jesira, Kira et al, 7. Nov.2025 - 14. June 2026
Relativ regelmässig finden auch -> Kurse statt.
Und auch andere Events & Trainings (Dance, Body & Spirit, Moves & Movements) im unsren Räumlichkeiten :
- 5 Rhythmen (Tanzraum Innsbruck) -> ganzjährig
- Ecstatic Dance mit Nana Dakini, immer wieder :) & immer öfter -> see there.
Yoga Nidra - Geführte Meditation

Mindful Me
Yoga Mini - Retreat, mit Jade, 26. - 26. April 2025
und 27. April von09:30 bis 12:30 Uhr
In diesen entspannten Stunden findest du einen Raum, in dem du:
- deinen Körper spürst, stärkst und Verspannungen löst,
- tief entspannen und neue Energie tanken kannst,
- dir wertvolle Zeit für dich nimmst und deinen eigenen Bedürfnissen, Wünschen und Sehnsüchten nachspürst.
Der Mini-Retreat beinhaltet:
- Yoga für den Beckenboden,
- Restorative Yoga (sanfte und entspannende Übungen gegen Stress),
- Anleitungen zur Selbstmassage, um Verspannungen zu lösen,
- Meditation und Atemübungen.
The Fundamentals of Prenatal Yoga
A yoga teacher training immersion with Kira
Adapting Vinyasa Yoga for Pregnancy
Sat. 27 September 2025, 12:30 -18:30
Sun. 28 September 2025, 8 -13:00
Total: 11 hrs
Cost: 249€ Early Bird: 220€ (with payment by 29 August)
Who this training is for:
- Current yoga teachers who would like to know how to support a pregnant woman in case she turns up to your yoga class
- If you are interested in pregnancy and yoga in general and would like to learn more
- If you are a midwife or doula, currently practice yoga (min. 2 yrs) and are interested to learn about yoga specificially for pregnant women
Purpose of the training :
- To deepen your understanding of pregnancy and prenatal yoga
- To help you feel more comfortable with having a pregnant woman in your yoga class
- To give you the skills to welcome a pregnant woman into your class so that she does not feel like an inconvenience
- To give you a clear overview which asanas are appropriate for pregnancy
- To clarify what asanas are generally inappropriate to practice during pregnancy and why
What is included:
- 60 + page workbook
- 2x vinyasa classes adapted for T1-3
- 1 x Yin Yoga class adapted for T1-T3
- Adapting classic restorative yoga postures for pregnancy
- Prenatal adaptations for classic Surya Namaskars
- The mandala of prenatal yoga asanas
- Pranayama, mudras, poetry and visualisations for pregnancy
- The advantages/disadvantages of attending a prenatal specific yoga classes Vs attending an open yoga class
- Appropriate and inappropriate practices during pregnancy
- A brief outline of each trimester and what is important to know for attendance in an open yoga class
Dates : Sat. 27 Sept. 12:30 -18:30 and Sun. 28 Sept. 8 -13:00
Hours : Total: 11 hrs
Cost : 249€ Early Bird: 220€ (with payment by 29 August)
This training is taught in english
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