Liebe Yogis,
The wind is literally blowing the flu to every corner of Innsbruck. Are you affected? Some schools around Innsbruck have even closed the last
days, and many many children are at home with a high fever - including my daughter. My daughter is sad she can not say Merry Christmas to
all her friends, feels anxious she that she would still be sick on Christmas day and lays half bored and coughing in bed. We did a little bit of energetic
clearing together and while i gently explained to her that these feelings are valid, they may also be causing more tension in the body and making it harder
to heal. Is there another way to manage being sick?
Yoga teaches us that health needs to be approached from many different angles and from many different sources. Health is what we choose to take in to
our body on a daily basis. Are your friendships helping or harming you? Are your thoughts liberating you or imprisoning you? Is your food medicine or poison?
Are your household products gentle or harmful? Usually it is not one thing that serves a healthful living, but rather many many small things you practice on a daily basis,
and the choices you make, that will build up over time. What are you choosing to store in your cells?
These can be hard questions to look at deeply. Usually we go about life as we always have until we are literally stopped in our tracks with sickness or some other life crisis.
I would say this is pretty normal. If we do find our way to the yoga mat, as layers start to peel away we will very likely start to walk down a different road, try different things, and shake things up a little ( or ALOT), seeking to feel more alive, more healthy and more embodied.
How often do you look in the mirror and see through, deep into your hearts desires and wishes? Do you take the time to notice? Can you love who you see? If change
is necessary, do you have the courage to swim upstream?
We are living in the quantum field where everything is possible, and nothing unreachable. You are a living, energetic Being with healing powers of your own. You are your
own health expert. I believe every illness is a message, a calling...a pathway to freedom. It takes courage to look at it like this - in dire times, extreme courage. However the rewards may be unexpected, and surprisingly eye opening.
I wish you health as you travel into the NEW and so many blessings, Kira
Heute 20.12 - 17:30 Die Offene Klasse ist ABGESAGT (Wegen Wiehnachs fest!!!!!!)
Anne has now officially gone on BABY PAUSE!!! The Wed. class at 19:15 will be taken over by Liz in January!!
Vera comes back to teach Jivamukti yoga in Feb. on Wednesdays at 09:30!!!
Please check the online class schedule over Christmas & New Years!!!!
Workshop/Teacher Trainings/ Events:
mehr infos.
* 20 Dec. um 17:30 : Christmas Yoga - Yin / Live Music / n Yummies
* 10/11 Jan. Hormon Yoga Workshop mit Claudia
* 11. Jan um 17:00 - Embodied Yoga Movementts workshop mit Liz
* 19 Jan. Yin Yoga special Sonntag mit Live Music um 17:15
* 300+ Fortgeschrittene Yogalehreausbildung mit Helene im Shala!!! Infos. bitte direkt bei Helene!!! (bitte copy and paste if necessary)
* May 2020: MayaPrenatal Yoga Teacher Training with Kira: Dates: 7 - 10 May & 21-24 May 2020..Details are online
with blessings,
kira and lucas
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* Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck
* Andreas Hofer Str. 13
* Tel. Lucas : 0650/8426248
* Tel. Kira : 0650/9127835
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