Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck Newsletter
Liebe Yogis,
Hello New Year 2019, and hello SNOW! Ive been digging snow all morning, while my son played burried deep in the snow.Luckily i know how to ease the intensity with long shoulder openers, that wonderful downward dog pose, and some nice twists! ....Not to mention the positive mental thoughts while digging. Such work could be seen as fun or just a major inconvenience, depending on how you look at it. Of course the snow keeps coming, like the dishes in the kitchen....its all in how you choose to approach these things as to whether you feel heavy or light.
Please regularly check the online class schedule....especially with all this snow, some last minute changes might need to be made! Our teachers are all essentially back in town so enjoy their classes!
In the first half of the year we have some really great workshops/ teacher trainings and Kirtan coming up...pls take the time to read the homepage! Apart from that, projects continue....some seen, some to come...stay in the flow, breath and dance! Blessings-see you soon, Kira
ps- Carri will be home soon and CoreEnergy will happen again mid to late Jan.!
Workshop/Teacher Trainings/ Events:
mehr infos.
1) Freizeit für die Schultern, Spiraldynamik workshop mit Ekkehard 2-3 Feb.
2) Embodied Expression, workshop mit Charlene und Christoph, 9- 10 März (auf English)
3) Satyaa & Pari Mantra konzert, 6 April
4) Yin Yoga Lehrausbildung - März/April 2019 mit Alex (early bird price til 15 Feb.)
Alex wird wieder im März ein Yin Yoga Lehrausbildung unterrichten! Infos. sind jetzt schon auf der homepage!!! Anmeldung direkt
bei Alex ( )
5) 300+ Fortgeschrittene Yogalehreausbildung mit Helene ab 9 May 2019 , im Shala!!! Infos. bitte direkt bei Helene!!! (bitte copy and paste if necessary)
kira and lucas
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* Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck
* Andreas Hofer Str. 13
* Tel. Lucas : 0650/8426248
* Tel. Kira : 0650/9127835
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