Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck Newsletter
Liebe Yogis,
Rad WM.....whether you like biking or not, the road closures are no doubt causing abit of a stir inside....I was thinking about this as i was driving into town yesterday. I have been noticing my lack of tolerance and somewhat annoyance at how the general population of Innsbruck simply have to `deal´ with this change and inconvenience. Even if its only for a week, it means having to check and re-check at every corner how the day can (or not) flow smoothly. I realised that i could not just simply tell myself to
`BE tolerant´, - it just didnt work, and actually caused more tension. What i did instead, is chose to breathe with my Intolerance. The result was a kind of transformation from this energy to a kind of quiet acceptance.....well ok, i thought, it is JUST a week. So if you notice moments like my own....try sitting with the negativity and watching the witness, with breath....and see what happens. I´ll be happy to hear any comments. Blessings,Kira
Heute Mittwoch 26.9 ....startet Aerial um 19:15 mit Lucas (für 03.10 bitte bitte check timetable)
Nächsten Mittwoch 03.10 ....startet Aerial um 08:45 mit Jule!!
Acro yoga fangt erst ab 04 Okt. wieder an!!!
CoreEnergy (fitness based) - Dienstags 7-8 Uhr ab 02.10 .... with Carri, in English.....all of you early birds come and support if you wish to see this time slot stay!
Schwangerschafts yoga um 09:30 (wegen Teacher Training finden keine Klassen am 4 & 18.10)!!!
Vera geht sehr bald auf Baby Love pause..... if you love her to come tonight at 19:15
Workshops: Pls see homepage for more details!
13 Okt - workshop mit Amayah Simone
17 Nov.- Kirtan!!!!...infos. kommen
kira and lucas
kira and lucas
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* Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck
* Andreas Hofer Str. 13
* Tel. Lucas : 0650/8426248
* Tel. Kira : 0650/9127835
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