Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck Newsletter
Liebe Yoginis & Yogis,
Life can get challenging when we get bogged down in the small details of day to day happenings... relationships/ communications/ work . Often our perception narrows so that we only see our point of view, and point the finger of blame at someone else and forget or dismiss the bigger picture. Sometimes when things consume my mind, i remind myself of the time when i was in Australia and sat in a three dimentional dome and watched as the presenter showed us the solar system....our planet, our moon, our sun....then zooming out he showed us the milkyway and then beyond. Earth, was a tiny dot - seemingly insignificant to the whole universe (or more nicely put - just a part of the bigger picture) and suddenly all my problems seemed so inconsequential and i was able to rest within all the happenings in my Life with more ease and calm.
Life becomes much more pleasant when we can free our mind from issues that cause our body to constrict, or tighten. Everyone has a story and it is all tooo easy to point the finger and blame at someone else. How about experimenting with turning the finger onto yourself - and seeing your own imperfections and see areas where you yourself are perhaps to blame. This practise is one way in which helps us to `see the bigger picture´. Rather like removing the vail of delusion, if we stop just for a moment, breathe, think - before acting, we may just reduce our own suffering and those around us, and become wiser for it....
Blessings - thankyou for your practise...Kira
Mai ....... Klassen / Feiertage
Alex will have an operation this Wednesday - may we send her our love and support. This week we have teachers covering her classes (From Tuesday onwards) and they are on standby for next week also. Enjoy their classes and their offerings. Alex is looking forward to return safe and healthy as soon as possible.!!!
01 Mai - Findet Yin (mit Frido) UND Classic ganz normal statt!!!
04 Mai / 25 Mai - Frido übernimmt die Klasse von Helene um 19:15
05 Mai - Findet NUR die 19:15 Klasse mit Kira statt!!!! (Donnerstag Feiertag!)
12 Mai - Introducing Selinas teaching at 19:15!
15 Mai - PfingstSonntag....... Findet NUR YIN mit Alex statt!! (d.h 19 Uhr nicht)
16 Mai - PfingstMontag......17:30 mit Alex und 19:15 Aerial finden statt........(08:45 Nicht!!!)
26 Mai - .Findet NUR die 19:15 Klasse mit Kira statt (Feiertag!)
YIN YOGA: Sonntags lvl 1
01 Mai - Frido
08 Mai - Kira
15 Mai - Alex
22 Mai - Frido
29 Mai - Claudia
YIN YOGA: Freitag lvl 2 - 20 Mai um 17:30 mit Kira
Kira und Lu
Kira und Lu
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* Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck
* Andreas Hofer Str. 13
* Tel. Lucas : 0650/8426248
* Tel. Kira : 0650/9127835
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