Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck Newsletter
Liebe Yoginis & Yogis,
Lately, it feels that a lot has been going on. Things always happen but sometimes the intensity of Life comes in tidal waves and we
either ride them, or drown. Practising yoga does not mean that nothing challenging will hit us - for we cannot live in a bubble of perceived
security, but rather, through practising we develop the capacity to be able to respond to life´s challenges with greater clarity, less clingling and
aversion, higher morality and deeper kindness.
This practise is a life long dedication to the art of being a fully embodied human - and when we fall, which of course we will, (over and over again) we
simply stand up and keep going. Over time, we will notice we fall a little softer, a little lighter as life´s wisdom shines through.
We as teachers are here to invite you to light your own flame of awakening towards greater freedom and the kind of peace that money or possessions cannot buy....
as we give, we receive.....and love flourishes. As students of yoga it is nice and nourishing to know that we, who also teach this path have a community from which we feel loved and supported,
especially while journeying through challenging phases:
Our dear Alex will be spending the next months with weekly chemotherapy treatments. She will try to teach as much as possible during this time and we have
teachers on standby should she need to rest instead.... we offer her our love and positive energy...
Andy is flying to London tomorrow (until next monday) to say goodbye to his mother who will be passing into her next life soon... may we offer our loving thoughts...
Breathe.....return to your mat each day....and all will come..., with infinite blessings and much gratitude for your practise, Kira and Lucas
Yin Yoga updates: Sonntags um 17:15 nur nach Ankündigung !!! (i.e. sonst nicht)
13 Dec mit Alex
03 Jan 2016 mit Kira
Montag 14 Dez 08:45 Klasse : Sabrina unterrichtet statt Andy...enjoy and embrace
Samstag 19 Dez: Simone ist in Innsbruck und möchte die Klasse um 09:00 unterrichten!!!!!!! Die Kira darf mitmachen...
Sonntag 20 Dez : Weihnachts yoga Klasse (Mit anmeldung!!!)......d.h Finden keine Normalen Klassen statt.......
Montag 21 Dez und Dienstag 22 Dez..... Classes as usual!!! Bitte kommen und mitmachen!!!!!
Sonntag 13 Dez .- Akro Yoga Workshop mit Frido und Helene 16-21Uhr / 25 euros. (MIt anmeldung)
Sonntag 20 Dez - Christmas yoga downtempo/yin/meditation class + Essen mit Kira und guests 17:30-20:00++ 25euros/20 für Mitglieder (MIt Anmeldung)
For all workshop details pls see under `events/workshops´ for sign-in details on our homepage./ or see information at the shala
Weihnachts Urlaub..... 3Dez - 02 Jan.
lv Kira u. Lu
lv Kira u. Lu
p.s : * Unlimiteds :
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* Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck
* Andreas Hofer Str. 13
* Tel. Lucas : 0650/8426248
* Tel. Kira : 0650/9127835
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