Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck Newsletter
Liebe Yoginis & Yogis,
Herbst time .... while this is a time that brings shorter days and longer nights, when the weather becomes cooler and sipping tea and cuddling up in a warm blanket is preferred , often the pre-christmas `busy-ness´
and end of year book-keeping and all the appointments seem to come at once. Often what happens is we look forward to that moment, somewhere in the distant future where we will see a break in the busy-ness and then ´have time´to relax. When we
push aside time to consciously BE and Pause we have unconsciously turned on `autopilot´ and are being driven by our habits to always improve, to get things done, to be better, Somehow never believing that we are good enough as we are, and will miss out
and get left behind if for even a moment we pause and be present with what is. In addition we turn on our `autopilot´ to avoid those all important questions and emotions that we prefer to keep burried under and pushed aside. Pausing can be scary - but most importantly
pausing provides space within which we can breathe in renewed freshness, and when connected with breath and body awareness we are gifted with a deep sense of inner and outer spaciousness. As we embrace this vast arena of our present moment experience
our heart has room to open and the fruits of this practise, over time and with practise are compassion and kindness - towards ourselves and others.
Where the suffering of human kind and this earth is still ever present this conscious decision to Pause is as important now as it ever was and will continue to be so. We may not be able to change what happens outside our boarders but we always have the choice as to how we continue in
our own life and how this effects ourselves and those around us. Thankyou for your practise, both on and off the mat.
Here some important news:
PERSONAL Yoga Mats: THE Green Yoga Mat .........!!!!!
We are more than happy if you bring your own yoga mat to class. However please look to see if your mat sticks to the floor and leaves pieces that need scrubbing off..... If this does happen it would be most kind
of you to let the teacher know and NOT use it again in the shala. The scrubbing off is time consuming and removes the protective layer from the floor boards! Thankyou!
Suggestion Box (statt Complaint box): Please be creative with your suggestions, if you have any, and consider how the written word will arrive on the other end....
Coming Spiraldynamik & Yoga Workshop 5. & 6. Dezember :
We forgot to put out the 'Repeaters Concession' :) - Everyone who has already done the workshop in the previous year (years) gets a 20% discount. Maybe thing of some specific details that you wish adressed and let lucas or ekke know in advance.
For those who never have done the workshop, but always wanted to know some good answers to 'how do i do this pose' - that's your workshop to check out.
Yin Yoga updates: Sonntags um 17:15 nur nach Ankündigung !!! (i.e. sonst nicht)
22 Nov. mit Frido
29 Nov. mit Kira
Workshops/specials: NOTE for these workshops to take place we ask for your sign-in as soon as possible!!!
5 & 6 Dez.- Spiraldynamik® & Yoga Workshop, mit Ekkehard Hager. MIT ANMELDUNG.
For all workshop details pls see under `events/workshops´ for sign-in details on our homepage.
Sonntag 20 Dez. 17:30-19:30 + essen. Weichnachsyoga spcl mit Kira.....details kommen...wirds eh Down Tempoish - slowflow + yin/ meditation - dieses Jahr:)
lv Kira u. Lu
p.s : * Unlimiteds :
hier ist der direkte Link zur Liste :
Oder ihr könnt mich auch per mail fragen wo ihr umgeht.
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* Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck
* Andreas Hofer Str. 13
* Tel. Lucas : 0650/8426248
* Tel. Kira : 0650/9127835
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