Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck Newsletter
Liebe Yoginis & Yogis
It is nice to enjoy coming home - a return to familiarity, friends and the community we have at the shala. As much as the deep work needed is all within, the threads that hold us together as a unit and One are ever present in our daily activities and basic needs. Without the support of a like-minded community we can be left feeling empty and lost. Our continual efforts for the shala are so that friends come together to play, connect, go deep, release and grow individually and collectively. May your year be defined by how present you are in each moment, living life to the fullest and most awake state of being.
Here are some shala details to note:
Akro Yoga um 17:30 mit Helene und Frido. Einfach kommen und mitmachen/ fliegen/ lacheln.... Verwendets eurer tkts /unlimiteds /first timers paket wie immer.
Helene lvl 1 um 19:15
Aerial Yoga mit Lucas um 19:15 - fliegen und spass (natürlich auch davor seine klasse um 17:30!!)
Yin Yoga spcls-
Sonntag 25 Jan um 17:15 mit Sabina Wenger
Sonntag 01 Feb um 17:15 mit Kira
Sonntag 15 Feb um 17:15 mit Alex
To remember:
ab sofort wieder Early bird yoga mit Andy - immer MItwochs um 7uhr
Dienstags - Andy übernimmt die 17:30 Klasse, und Alex die 19:15 Klasse. Schwangerschafts yoga und lvl 2 mit Kira
The spiral dynamics of Aerial Yoga ende Mai - a very interesting topic to explore for those interested in deepening their understanding of alignment in the air
Yin Yoga teacher training in Sept. - nicht nur für Yoga Lehrer/inen - a special change to go deeper into the art and practise of settling into stillness. HIghly recommended for deepening a personal practise. Email to sign in.
Wishing you moment to moment awareness,
Kira and Lucas
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* Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck
* Andreas Hofer Str. 13
* Tel. Lucas : 0650/8426248
* Tel. Kira : 0650/9127835
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