Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck Newsletter
Liebe Yoginis & Yogis
WORLD YOGA DAY event! (for us sat. 23 feb 9am!!)
In the rush leading up to christmas, my impending travels to japan, kids in school, kindy, lucas off to Salzburg life just got way too busy and things, as they do, get put off, or crossed out as being too much to add to the list. I think in moments, it happens to all of us.
I was sent a little reminder that World Yoga Day is next sunday 24th Feb. FIAN International ( was founded in 1986 and its purpose is to expose and address violations of people’s right to adequate food worldwide by exerting public pressure to hold governments accountable; by advocating for effective methods to fullfill the right to enough food, and through raising public awareness. Their aim is to ensure that people can feed themselves, their families and communities in a sustainable way.
World Yoga Day was created as part of increasing public awareness for their cause and gathering donations in their aid.
Our participation in the yoga shala will be a little off centre although the effort, the motivation and participation is still there...
SO: Simply and easily for short notice sake instead of promoting an extra class on sunday at the allotted time, we will pull the clock backwards to Saturday 23 February to the morning class at 9 am (p.s i did ask the organisation if this was possible!). Simply come as usual, or come for this cause and support, and instead of paying with your block/unlimited card, there will be a donation box on the desk. Simply donate for the cause (what you would usually pay for the class , or/and with an open heart a little more
(cash please,no 10er blocks!!). The money collected will then be sent to FIAN to help support their organisation.
class time: 2hrs!!! 9 - 11am. I will make the class not quite a level 2 standard so all you yogis can happily come and join in!!!
Tea and a light snack will be available afterwards!
Theme??? definantly compassion for all living beings with a great deal of heart opening!
Without lucas around i will endevour to facebook this event and add it to the website .... i may ask lucas to dress it up alittle upon his return.
some websites (sorry not linked) for more info:
Thanks guys and gals, yogis, yoginis... Enlightened Beings.Shantiihi - kira n lucas
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* Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck
* Andreas Hofer Str. 13
* Tel. Lucas : 0650/8426248
* Tel. Kira : 0650/9127835