~ K. Pattabhi Jois ~
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(eng) : Kira, Jesira & Andy teach their classes in english !
Classes usually are 75 min (90 when stated).
Drop In Classes - Day-to-Day-plan :
~ K. Pattabhi Jois ~
Die Klassen dauern 75 Minuten, außer anders angegeben (90 min)
Drop In Klassen - Tagesaktueller Plan :
Direkter Link zur 2-Wochen-Vorschau hier
'Pausiert' = Urlaubs und saisonale Pausen
'Cancelled' = fällt kurzfristig (an diesem Tag) aus.
News zu Änderungen siehe evt auch Newsletter !
On the following dates classes are reduced or cancelled. Details can be found below the timetable or in the newsletter.
Courses happen by agreement.
Changes from the normal timetable will be announced via Facebook and the Newsletter.
With Frosted Quartz Crystal Bowls
- Sound Healing shifts your energy and touches something deep within you -
Sound healing heals
– Kira Cook
A Sound Healing journey using 7 Frosted Crystal Quartz bowls is a therapeutic and meditative experience. It uses sound vibration to promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being and healing. The 7 bowls correspond to the 7 chakras of the body, and as the bowls are intuitively played, flowing steadily through the chakras, the different vibrations created interact with the
bodys´ energy field and promotes relaxation, balance and harmony.
In our quiet, dimly lit yoga space are you invited to lay down in a comfortable position and rest in stillness. The session begins with quietening the body and mind and setting an intention for your healing journey. This intention can be anything from releasing stress, to finding balance within or deepening your connection with yourself. The sound journey will then begin.
As the journey comes to an end there will be a period of silence, followed by the invitation to take deep breaths, move your body and return to sitting.
What you experience may differ depending on the day, your energy, your current life situation, and your mood. Each session will be different and the invitation is to open to, be receptive and receive the sound into your body. You may experience physical sensations such as warmth, tingling or heaviness or in your body. As the sound vibrations interact with the body´s energy centers, they can also support an emotional release. As the sounds help to calm the mind and bring inner peace, you may have creative ideas or profound insights, and you may also enter a deep meditative state.
Reduces stress and anxiety
Deepens a feeling of relaxation and pain relief
Improves blood circulation
Balances the body – physically, emotionally, energetically
Promotes stillness, well-being
Strengthens the immune system
Supports recovery after trauma, illness, medical treatments
Invites a better, deeper sleep
The effects of a sound healing can often be felt for several days after
Let yourself experience - soften into the sound – be taken on a journey
When : Last Sunday of the month
TIme : 19:00 - 20:00
Price : Use your blocks / unlimited passes as usual