Antaratma Yoga is not a style itself, but the name of our yogashala. It expresses a fundamental concept of our teaching, which lies in our hearts interest.
We don't teach any exclusive style, but adapt our classes within certain limits (see Drop in Classes) and according to our possibilities to the attending students. For background information what to expect in our classes and why, please also check the FAQ - section or better - everything in this category :)
Each of our classes are designed specifically towards a certain aim. The classes grow with its participants. Depending on where you are in your practice, you will be challenged on your personal level, sometimes more sometimes less. Generally we prefer a dynamic & flowing style , to keep your body warm, your muscles soft and your mind focused.
We place a great emphasis on correct alignment in the yogasana, starting from the toes to the fingertips, as a mirror of your attentiveness and focus, and not as a measurement of your flexibility. It is impossible to continuously correct all details, but step by step you can learn something new every time. Each and everyone in their own speed. So you can take home a new detail with every class without ever doing a course.
Important note : It does absolutely not matter whether you are 'able to do' a certain posture or not, how flexible or inflexible your body is or how flexible your neighbour or the teacher is in comparison to yourself. What matters is how you work the poses from the inside out, how you work with your body instead of against it.
In between you get small adjustments, done with the fingertips or with the same sensitivity. This is meant to focus your attention and show you the right direction. We disapprove of forcing the body beyond its own limit into postures.
Concerning breathing and breathing exercises. Throughout all our classes you should breathe consciously (regularly and controlled) through the nose. Breathing is an integral part of yoga, not just under the title 'Pranayama'. Additional breathing exercises will focus on basics, to connect back to your natural breath instead of trying to force the breath into another unnatural frame. The ability to connect breath and movement doing yogasana is a precept for any special Pranayama (Breathing) course.
The yogastyles that influence our teaching most are those which have developed from the teachings of Sri Acharya Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. That is, the styles that developed from of his students K. Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S Iyengar.
From their foundation have grown dynamic, powerful and flowing yoga styles (Ashtanga Yoga, Dynamic Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Jivamukti Yoga, Power Yoga, ... are the most known thereof) in the west, which put yoga back down to earth, on hands and feet, without leaving out, but putting into a different context, what had given yoga here in the 70ies- 90ies to its reputatiion as a 'spiritual mumbo jumbo'.
Sam Weinstein in Perth, Australia, is a unique teacher, whose fun classes combine Iyengar intelligence with the flow of Ashtanga. Kira has been taught by him for many years and we incorporate many aspects of his style in our classes.
Another important contribution comes from Sri Acharya Venkatesh, who has studied and learned yoga through personal experience alone.Venkatesh is the founder of the Atma Vikasa school of Yogic Sciences in Mysore and a wonderful yoga perfectionist and yoga therapist.
Other Teachers & Influences :
- Shiva Rea : Our favourite famous teacher.
- Michelle Dortignac : Aerial Yoga from an artistic background with a proper foundation in Yoga.
- Spiraldynamik : The only Body-Movement anatomy concept that actually overlaps 100% with our understanding of alignment in Yoga.
- Donna Farhi, whose books & teaching always return to the basics and foundation of yoga with a beautiful disregard to yogastyles and traditions. Her workshops & books are a constant inspiration to our practice and our approach to yoga.
and many more, and more to come :)
'We' and 'us' and 'our' ... is Kira Cook and Lucas Pradlwarter. Despite our different surnames we are married since the 25th of mai 2002. Kira is Australian and teaches her classes in English. Lucas is from Innsbruck/Tirol and teaches in the local language. Who wants to find out more should feel free to visit.