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A soon as you know that Yoga shall become and remain part of your life, we suggest the Unlimiteds :

Non - Members
30 Days Unlimited 
100 €
80 €
119 €
95 €
60 Days Unlimited 
191 €
153 €
227 €
182 €
90 Days Unlimited 
268 €
214 €
318 €
255 €
180 DaysUnlimited 
499 €
399 €
544 €
434 €

These allow you to come to all drop in classes in the given timeframe (about 1-6 months).

Extensions : In case you travel or get sick you can freeze them. This only has to be done in advance and for whole weeks (I.e. Fr - Th, Su - Sa) !! or at least on the next day if you get sick.
The Yoga Unlimiteds are personally managed online !, so you stay in control yourself.

To simplify things  as well as remind you that the Unlimiteds are meant to be used, there is a limit to the possible extensions - which is half of the time they are valid for. That is, a 180 Days Unlimited can be extended for up to 90 days.
As you can easily calculate yourself the unlimiteds pay off in comparison to blocks of ten as soon as you come about twice per week or even more. The longer the unlimited the cheaper it gets, and if you have one, it´s much easier to come, and continue coming more often.

Example :
180 Days Unlimited & about 3 classes weekly. Then each class costs 6 € or 4,8 € (concession), including the membership, and it gets better with every additional class.
Or in other words, with a 180 Days Unlimited you need to come only 1,7 times per week to pay as much as you would on a block of 10 tickets.



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