Here is a list of some of the books we've read, keep referring to and can recommend :
for anyone who wants to improve their understanding of basic Yogasana practice and yoga philosophy. Recommended for teachers as well as beginners !
Henry Holt & Company, New York 1996. Same comment as above, but about breathing. -->
<-- 'Jivamukti Yoga, Practices for Liberating Body and Soul',
Sharon Gannon & David Life. Ballantine Books, New York 2002.
'Bringing Yoga to Life : The Everyday Practice of Enlightened Living', Donna Farhi.
Harper-Collins Puplishers, San Francisco 2003.-->
<-- 'The Heart of Yoga, Developing a Personal Practice',
T.K.V. Desikachar. Inner Traditions International, Rochester 1999.
'Health, Healing & Beyond. Yoga and the living Tradition of Krishnamacharya',
T.K.V Desikachar with R.H. Cravens. Aperture Foundation, New York 1998 -->
<-- 'Light on Yoga',
B.K.S. Iyengar. Thorsons, London 1991
'Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali',
B.K.S. Iyengar. Thorsons, London 2002. -->
<-- 'Yoga, The Path to Holistic Health',
B.K.S. Iyengar, Dorling Kindersley, London 2001.
'Ashtanga Yoga, The Definite Step by Step Guide to Dynamic Yoga',
John Scott. Gaia Books Limited, London 2000 -->
<-- 'Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha', Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
Bihar Yoga Bharati, Munger, Bihar, India 1997.
'PowerYoga : The Total Strenght and Flexibility Workout',
Beryl Bender Birch. Fireside, New York 1995. -->
<-- 'Baby Om : Yoga for Mothers and Babies', Laura Stanton and Sarah Perron. Henry Holt & Company, New York 2002.
'Loving Hands, the tradidional Indian art of Baby massage', Frederick Leboyer. -->
<-- 'Yoga, The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness', Erich Schiffmann.
'Autobiography of a Yogi', Paramahansa Yogananda.
Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai 1997. -->
Especially those who are learning to teach ..
<-- 'Teaching Yoga, Exploring the Teacher Student Realtionship', Donna Farhi.
<-- 'Anatomy of Hatha Yoga : A Manual for Students, Teachers and Practitioners',
H. David Coulter. Body and Breath, Inc. Honesdale, PA, USA 2001
Judith Hanson Lasater -->
<-- 'Yoga Anatomy', Leslie Kaminoff.
'The Secret Power of Yoga', Nischala Joy Devi -->